OOO “NPO “Promresurs”
The construction of the well magnetostrictive radiator of increased power with a circular pattern of acoustic radiation was developed at the Institute of Metal Physics URO RAN together with NPO “Promresurs” and tested in the real conditions on the territory of Mexican States by the Company SERVICIOS Y SUMINISTROS WEAVER DE MEXICO, SA DE CV.
The increased efficiency factor due to the loss reduction in the connection cable and the increased, compared with the previous samples, acoustic power obtained due to the change of radiation element shape were proved. The sample proved its working efficiency at high (150˚С) temperature of environment. Russian Federation patent for the invention №2634769 «Скважинный акустический излучатель» was received. OOO “NPO “Promresurs” employs the construction to recover the supply efficiency of water wells and to increase the oil-well production.
The works on development of the magnetostrictive radiator of increased power for the application in the oil-extracting and oil-processing industry are in progress now to solve the tasks of the forecast difference in hydrocarbons rheology, the decrease of density and viscosity of the processing environment.