Kostina Alina Evgenevna

Junior researcher (Strength Laboratory)

Contact information:

Email: alina_30_93@mail.ru

Scientometric data (as of 20.08.2024):
Web of Science: h-index - 2; Sum of the Times Cited - 19
SCIENCE INDEX: h-index - 4; Sum of the Times Cited - 56
Personal pages of the author in the systems: SCIENCE INDEX


1) The influence of deformation at cryogenic or room temperature followed by annealing on the structure and properties of copper and its Cu–3Pd and Cu–3Pd–3Ag (at. %) alloys [Текст] / O.S. Novikova, A.E. Kostina, Yu.A. Salamatov, D.A. Zgibnev, A.Yu. Volkov // Frontier Materials & Technologies. — 2023. — V. 2. — P. 67 (8 pages)

2) Signs of the presence of an ordered phase in the Cu-5.9 at.%Pd alloy after its long-term annealing at a moderate temperature [Текст] / O.S. Novikova, A.E. Kostina, E.G. Volkova, Yu.A. Salamatov, A.V. Glukhov, A.Yu. Volkov, V.V. Marchenkov, V.S. Gaviko, Yu.M. Ustyugov // Letters on Materials. — 2023. — V. 13. — P. 3 (6 pages)

3) Formation of Short-Range Atomic Order in Cu-Pd Alloys with a Low Palladium Content: Resistometric Study [Текст] / A.E. Kostina, O.S. Novikova, A.V. Glukhov, B.D. Antonov, A.Yu. Volkov // Physics of Metals and Metallography. — 2022. — V. 123. — P. 37 (6 pages)
