Chistyakov Vasiliy Vladimirovich

Research associate  (Laboratory of Low Temperatures)

Scientometric data (as of 20.08.2024):
Web of Science: h-index - 5; Sum of the Times Cited - 55
SCIENCE INDEX: h-index - 5; Sum of the Times Cited - 95
Personal pages of the author in the systems: Researcher ID, ORCID, SCIENCE INDEX


1) Особенности магнитотранспортных свойств монокристаллов MoxW1-xTe2 (x = 0; 0.7) [Текст] / А. Н. Перевалова, Б. М. Фоминых, В. В. Чистяков, В. В. Марченков // Chelyabinsk Physical and Mathematical Journal. — 2024. — V. 9. — P. 658 (12 pages)

2) Debye temperature, electron-phonon coupling constant, and three-dome shape of crystalline strain as a function of pressure in highly compressed La3Ni2O7−δ [Текст] / E.F. Talantsev, V.V. Chistyakov // Letters on Materials. — 2024. — V. 14. — P. 262 (7 pages)

3) Role of bulk and surface current carriers in resistivity of thin films of the topological insulator Bi2Se3 [Текст] / A. N. Perevalova, B. M. Fominykh, V. V. Chistyakov, V. V. Marchenkov // Nanosystems-physics chemistry mathematics. — 2024. — V. 15. — P. 465 (4 pages)


1) V.V.Chistyakov, Galvanomagnetic properties in “size” topological insulators Bi2Se3 [Текст] / V.V.Chistyakov, A.N.Perevalova, B.M.Fominykh, V.V.Marchenkov // Школа-конференция с межд. участием по оптоэлектронике, фотонике и нанобиоструктурам “Saint Petersburg OPEN 2023”, 26.05.2023, 2023 / Book of Abstracts, HSE University - St. Petersburg

2) A.N.Perevalova, Galvanomagnetic and optical properties of molybdenum and tungsten ditellurides [Текст] / A.N.Perevalova, S.V.Naumov, E.I.Shreder, V.V.Chistyakov, E.B.Marchenkova, S.M.Podgornykh, J.C.A.Huang, V.V.Marchenkov // VIII Euro-Asian Symposium Trends in MAGnetism (EASTMAG-2022), 22-26 августа, 2022 / Тез.докл.-Kazan:Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute FRC Kazan SC RAS

3) A.Perevalova, Features of the Electronic Properties of Topological Semimetal PtSn4 and WTe2 Single Crystals [Текст] / A.Perevalova, S.V.Naumov, A.A.Makhnev, E.I.Shreder, S.M.Podgornykh, E.B.Marchenkova, V.V.Chistyakov, J.C.A.Huang, V.V.Marchenkov // 15th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference (2022 Joint), 10-14 января, 2022 / Тез.докл.-New Orleans, LA,