Sukhorukov Yuriy Petrovich

Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics)

Chief researcher (Laboratory of Magnetic Semiconductors)

Contact information:
Phone.: 374-51-54

Scientometric data (as of 15.04.2022):
Web of Science: h-index - 19; Sum of the Times Cited - 1257
SCIENCE INDEX: h-index - 22; Sum of the Times Cited - 1663
Personal pages of the author in the systems: Researcher ID, ORCID, SCIENCE INDEX

He graduated the Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky (1978). Since 1978 he has been working at the Institute of Metal Physics (the head of the laboratory from 1998 to 2019). Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Full professor from 2008). Author of over 150 scientific publications.

Leading scientists in the field of magnetic and galvanomagnetic phenomena, microwave, infrared and optical spectroscopy, magneto-optical properties of bulk and nanoscale magnetic semiconductors. He discovered the MO effects connected with an optical response in the infrared region to metal-insulator transition in manganites, made different prototype of optoelectronic devices.


1) Semiconducting Electronic Structure of the Ferromagnetic Spinel HgCr2Se4 Revealed by Soft-X-Ray Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy [Текст] / H. Tanaka, A.V. Telegin, Yu.P. Sukhorukov, V.A. Golyashov, O.E. Tereshchenko, A.N. Lavrov, T. Matsuda, R. Matsunaga, R. Akashi, M. Lippmaa, Y. Arai, S. Ideta, K. Tanaka, T. Kondo, K. Kuroda // Physical Review Letters. — 2023. — V. 130. — P. 186402 (6 pages)

2) Strain-magneto-optics: Magnetoreflectivity in MnFe2O4 ferrite-spinel crystal [Текст] / Yu.P. Sukhorukov, A.V. Telegin, S.V. Naumov, E.A. Surzhikov // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. — 2023. — V. 588. — P. 171446 (6 pages)

3) Magnetic Semiconductors as Materials for Spintronics [Текст] / Yu. Sukhorukov, A.Telegin // Magnetochemistry. — 2022. — V. 8. — P. 173 (26 pages)


1) А.В.Телегин, Детектор ЭМ излучения на основе лазерно-индуцированного пористого графена [Текст] / А.В.Телегин, Ю.П.Сухоруков, К.Г.Михеев, Р.Г.Зонов, Л.И.Наумова, Г.М.Михеев // Росс. конф. и школа молодых ученых по актуальным проблемам полупроводниковой фотоэлектроники (с участием иностранных ученых) «ФОТОНИКА-2023», 08.09.2023, 2023 / 978-5-00218-581-8, Тезисы докладов, ИФП СО РАН. – М. : Издательство Перо, 2023

2) A.Telegin, Bolometric prospects of laser-induced porous graphene [Текст] / A.Telegin, Yu.Sukhorukov, K.Mikheev, Zonov R., L.Naumova, G.Mikheev // Intern. Conf. “Functional Materials” (ICFM-2023), 06.10.2023, 2023 / 0, Book of abstracts, 0

3) A.V.Telegin, Strain-magneto-optical phenomena in ferrite-spinel crystals [Текст] / A.V.Telegin, E.A.Surzhikov, Yu.P.Sukhorukov, S.V.Naumov // Intern. Conf. “Functional Materials” (ICFM-2023), 06.10.2023, 2023 / 0, Book of abstracts, 0