Ponomarev Dmitriy Andreevich

PhD (Physics and Mathematics)

Research associate  (Electrical Phenomena Laboratory)

Contact information:
Phone.: 378-38-55
Email: ponomaryov@imp.uran.ru

Scientometric data (as of 20.08.2024):
Web of Science: h-index - 3; Sum of the Times Cited - 22
SCIENCE INDEX: h-index - 3; Sum of the Times Cited - 32
Personal pages of the author in the systems: Researcher ID, ORCID, SCIENCE INDEX


1) Cluster-layered [Fe/Cr]30 structure exhibited Kondo-like effect studied by GISAXS and Mossbauer spectroscopy [Текст] / R.A. Baulin, M.A. Andreeva, A.V. Rogachev, Yu.L. Repchenko, S.N. Yakunin, M.A. Milyaev, D.A. Ponomarev, L.N. Romashev, V.V. Ustinov // Materials Science and Engineering B. — 2023. — V. 291. — P. 116314 (7 pages)

2) Depth-resolved local atomic structure of Fe/Cr multilayer film with GMR effect: Experimental results [Текст] / Yu.A. Babanov, D.A. Ponomarev, D.I. Devyaterikov, E.Kh. Mukhamedzhanov, M.M. Borisov, M.V. Ryabukhina, I.E. Kantur, A.V. Korolev, M.A. Milyaev, L.N. Romashev, V.V. Ustinov, V.V. Vasin // Materials Science and Engineering B. — 2020. — V. 253. — P. 114247 (9 pages)

3) Atomic Structure of Multilayered Low-Contrast Fe/Cr Thin Films: Mathematical Formalism and Numerical Experiments [Текст] / Yu. A. Babanov, V. V. Vasin, D. A. Ponomarev, D. I. Devyaterikov, L. N. Romashev, V. V. Ustinov // Physics of Metals and Metallography. — 2019. — V. 120. — P. 756 (7 pages)


1) M.A.Andreeva, Polarization selection in M?ssbauer reflectivity for magnetic multilayer investigation [Текст] / M.A.Andreeva, R.A.Baulin, O.V.Slinko, V.E.Asadchikov, D.N.Karimov, B.S.Roshchin, D.A.Ponomarev, L.N.Romashev, D.Bessas, A.I.Chumakov, R.Ruffer // VII Euro-Asian Symp. «Trends in MAGnetism» (EASTMAG-2019), 8-13 сентября, 2019 /

2) T.Miyanaga, Local magnetic study for cluster-layered Fe/Cr nanostructures [Текст] / T.Miyanaga, Y.Ikeda, Y.Hasunuma, D.Ponomarev, V.Grebennikov, Y.A.Babanov // VII Euro-Asian Symp. «Trends in MAGnetism» (EASTMAG-2019), 8-13 сентября, 2019 /

3) M.A.Andreeva, Spiral structure of [57Fe/Cr}n multilayers revealed by nuclear resonance reflectivity [Текст] / M.A.Andreeva, R.A.Baulin, A.I.Chumakov, R.Ruffer, G.V.Smirnov, Yu.A.Babanov, D.I.Devyaterikov, M.A.Milyaev, D.A.Ponomarev, L.N.Romashev, V.V.Ustinov // Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM-2017), 1-5 июля, 2017 / Тез.докл.-Moskow:Org.com.,Lomonosov Moskow State Univ.