Collaborative Access Center "Testing Center of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials"
The Collaborative Access Center “Testing Center of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials” is a scientific and organizational structure with modern scientific and analytical equipment, highly qualified personnel. It performs research, testing, and measurements, supplies cryogenic liquids, including making the services to individuals and third parties. The Center is a subdivision, hosted in the Institute of Metal Physics (IMP UB RAS).
By his orders, the Director approves a yearly list and prices of the standard services to provide interested users with complete and reliable research. Here the reader can find the list of the standard service prices until 2016.
To conduct research collaborations with third parties, the Institute concludes contracts in accordance with established form. Rights to the possible results of intellectual activity obtained in the course of research and rendering of services are regulated by the contracts and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
To obtain more information on services, research, scientific equipment, and departments of the Collaborative Access Center “Testing Center of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials”, please visit the section “Contacts”. When necessary, you can directly address the head of the Center: Rinkevich Anatoly Bronislavovich, Dr.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, or call at tel. +7 (343) 374-43-31; e-mail: