Laboratory of Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter

Irkhin Valentin Yur'yevich

Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics)

Chief researcher, head of laboratory (Laboratory of Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter)

Contact information:
Phone.: 374-30-92

Scientometric data (as of 15.03.2018):
Web of Science: h-index - 28; Sum of the Times Cited - 3529
SCIENCE INDEX: h-index - 30; Sum of the Times Cited - 4598
Personal pages of the author in the systems: Researcher ID, ORCID, SCIENCE INDEX

Valentin Irkhin works at the Institute of Metal Physics after graduating with honors from the Urals State University (1982).  Ph.D.  thesis in1985 (under the guidance of Academician S. V. Vonsovskii,), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1992); chief researcer, since 2014 - head.of laboratory. Author of about 170 scientific articles and reviews, as well as a number of textbooks and books on solid state physics, the philosophy of science, semiotics and hermeneutics.

One of the leading specialists in the field of many-electron models of a solid body, the quantum theory of magnetism, the physics of strongly correlated electron systems, transition and rare-earth metals. Scientific interests also include low-dimensional compounds, conducting ferromagnets, high-temperature superconductors, systems with intermediate valence and heavy fermions. Among the most important results are the development of the theory of anomalous magnetism in Kondo lattices, a description of the properties of semiconductors with an intermediate valence, the investigation of the kinetic properties of half-metallic ferromagnets, and the calculation of the temperatures of phase transitions in layered and chain magnetic materials.



1) Сильно коррелированное электронное состояние в ферримагнитном четверном перовските CuCu3Fe2Re2O12
А. И. Потеряев, З. В. Пчелкина, С. В. Стрельцов, Ю. Лонг, В. Ю. Ирхин
Письма в ЖЭТФ, V.121, №. 1, p.72(6 pages) 2025

2) Highly Correlated Electronic State in a Ferrimagnetic Quadruple Perovskite CuCu3Fe2Re2O12
A.I. Poteryaev, Z.V. Pchelkina, S.V. Streltsov, Y.Long, V.Yu. Irkhin
JETP Letters, V.0, №. , p.1(5 pages) 2025

3) Regularities and Features in the Behavior of Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Co2FeZ (Z = Al, Si, Ga, Ge, Sn, Sb) Half-Metallic Ferromagnetic Heusler Alloys
Yu.A. Perevozchikova, V.Yu. Irkhin, A.A. Semiannikova, V.V. Marchenkov
Physics of Metals and Metallography, V.125, №. 12, p.1404(10 pages) 2024


1) Зонный метамагнетизм в системах с гигантскими особенностями ван Хова в плотности электронных состояний
П.А.Игошев, Ф.А.Василевский, В.Ю.Ирхин
Poster report on conference (XL Международная зимняя школа физиков-теоретиков «Коуровка») 2024

2) Электронные и магнитные свойства сплавов Гейслера Co2MnZ (Z = Al, Si, Ga, Ge, Sn)
А.А.Семянникова, А.В.Лукоянов, В.Ю.Ирхин, Е.И.Шредер, Е.Б.Марченкова, В.В.Марченков
Poster report on conference (XL Международная зимняя школа физиков-теоретиков «Коуровка») 2024

3) Рэттлинг в четверном перовските CuCu3Fe2Re2O12
Е.В.Комлева, З.В.Пчелкина, В.Ю.Ирхин, С.В.Стрельцов
Poster report on conference (XL Международная зимняя школа физиков-теоретиков «Коуровка») 2024