Laboratory of Nanocomposite Multiferroics

Full name
Junior Researcher
Leading Researcher
PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
Senior Researcher
PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
Senior Researcher
PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
Главный Specialist
Senior Researcher
PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
Научный сотрудник
Junior Researcher
Senior Researcher
PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
Ведущий Engineer
Ведущий технолог
Research Associate 
Deputy Director, Head of Laboratory, руководитель центра коллективного пользования «Испытательный центр нанотехнологий и перспективных материалов»
Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics)
Junior Researcher
Ведущий документовед
Chief Specialist
Senior Researcher
PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
Старший Engineer
Chief Specialist