Quantum Nano-spintronics Laboratory
The Laboratory of Quantum Nanospintronics was established by the order of the Director of the Institute (No. 12 dated 05 February 2014) in accordance with the decision to allocate a grant of the Government of the Russian Federation for state support of scientific research conducted under the guidance of leading scientists in Russian educational institutions of higher professional education, scientific institutions of state academies of sciences and state scientific centres of the Russian Federation on the topic: "Magnetic nano-optics devices with controlled losses and noise, functio ns, and the ability to control losses and noise. The laboratory was headed by a German citizen, Professor of the Institute of Applied Physics of the University of Münster, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergey Olegovich Demokritov. On 9 July 2014, the initial team of megagrant executors consisting of 28 people was approved by the order of the Institute Director No. 78. All of them were assembled from various laboratories of the Institute in accordance with their scientific profile and the intended direction of activities under the megagrant. The staff of the new laboratory created under the grant initially consisted of 11 people. In addition to researchers, engineers and postgraduate students were also included. By the end of the third year, the laboratory staff grew to 14 people. In 2014-2015, office space for the head of the laboratory, staff and working space for equipment were prepared.
The main focus of research conducted in the laboratory was related to the study of microwave signal transmission created by spin waves in magnetic micro- and nanostructures under spin current injection. Attention was also paid to thin-film hybrid structures containing magnetic and non-magnetic layers of metals and non-metals with low microwave signal transmission losses. Studies of magnetic dynamics in hybrid micro- and nanostructures became possible due to the purchase by the Institute of a unique micro-focus Brillouin light scattering facility based on a Fabry-Perot interferometer from JRS Instruments. A fibre terahertz spectrometer "FICO-2-EK" was also purchased for docking with the microwave range. In the following years, the instrumentation base of the laboratory was significantly expanded with the support of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
In 2019, the laboratory staff was increased to 30 employees. Mikhail Anatolyevich Milyaev, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, was nominated as the new Head of the Laboratory. A number of technological, analytical installations and instruments were transferred to the laboratory, which significantly expanded its experimental capabilities. The main units of equipment used in the order of current operation are listed on this website of the laboratory. Numerous experimental, process, and office spaces have also been transferred to the Laboratory. The number of main rooms in the laboratory has increased to 25 by 2021. This includes the rooms of the clean room hermitisation module with a total area of approximately 250 m2.
Experimental opportunities of the laboratory now allow: to obtain multilayer nanostructures of various compositions by methods of precision magnetron sputtering and molecular beam epitaxy, to conduct studies of magnetic, magnetotransport, optical and high-frequency properties of massive materials, thin films and multilayer nanostructures, to obtain detailed information on the structure of layers and interfaces, to study the surface topography, to create by lithography methods micro-objects necessary for various studies, to create micro-objects necessary for lithography, to study the structure of layers and interfaces, to study the surface topography, to create micro-objects necessary for various studies, to study the structure of nanostructures, to study the structure of layers and interfaces, to study the surface topography, and to create micro-objects necessary for lithography methods In connection with the expansion of experimental opportunities of the laboratory, the directions of scientific research have also changed. Considerable attention is paid to synthesis of various nanostructures with unique properties, development of modern magnetosensitive nanomaterials with giant and tunnelling magnetoresistance effects, development of highly sensitive magnetic sensors, study of resonance phenomena in magnetic nanostructures, research in the field of spintronics. One of the actively developed areas of work in the laboratory is related to theoretical and experimental studies of galvanomagnetic effects in conducting chiral magnetics and nanostructures based on them.